
Rachel-Lee Nabors

Founder, Dressed for Space



AI Cram Session

What do acronyms like RAG really mean? What is the math behind the “magic” of deep learning? Is there secure a way to use models on cloud servers or should you keep everything on-premises? This talk aims to demystify the field and provide you with the concepts, mental models, and glossary to understand the rest of the talks use colorful illustrations and metaphors from the person who brought you react.dev

Thursday, 24 October, 10:30
Duration: 30 minutes
Room: Broadgate

About the speaker

Rachel-Lee Nabors has spearheaded developer education at FAANG companies like Amazon and startups and participated in web standards and open source with Mozilla, the W3C, and Microsoft. They have built award-winning dev portals for React and React Native with the core teams at Meta. Currently in London, writing a book on how to survive your tech career.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelnabors

X: https://x.com/rachelnabors

Website: https://nearestnabors.com

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